Health Tracker Platform

Integration validation

Here you need to provide a signed JWT token in base-64 format that has been issued by the organisation. This organisation will need to have created a RSA private and public key pair and signed the token with the whole key and the organisation has registered. The token will be used by the Health Tracker Platform services to validate that the organisation has been registered and then exchanged for an access token to the Health Tracker Platform services. Note though, that as per section 2.4 of the integration guide, this registration process is done by George Health. Please ensure that this has been done and that the relevant details discussed in the documentation have been provided before proceeding further.

Here you need to provide the public key (in XML format) of the RSA private and public key pair that were used to sign the token. The public key would normally be provided as part of registering the organisation to validate the tokens issued by the organisation.